Click on the Button (when linked) for the premium list with information, directions, etc. for that particular meet.

Sat,Sun Apr 22 & 23 ODS
350 Yard Ovals
(Roll Call TBA) all 3 days.
Princeton, ON Laurie Soutar, phone (519) 458-8181
Email: sirius-supply@sympatico.ca ~   CLICK HERE to download a PDF  EMAIL ENTRY FORM (just save and open the form in ADOBE ACROBAT, fill out the fields and send by clicking the EMAIL button at the end of the form). (this email entry forms are for RACING only).
Sat April 29
ORA 200 Yard Straight  (Roll Call 8:30 am) PENDING FIELD CONDITIONS Codrington, ON Roberta Jamieson, Email: ORAracing@gmail.com; Tel: 613-707-3088 ~  CLICK HERE to download a PDF  EMAIL ENTRY FORM (just save and open the form in ADOBE ACROBAT, fill out the fields and send by clicking the EMAIL button at the end of the form). (this email entry forms are for RACING only).
Sat May 20, Sun May 21
Sat: 300 Yard Ovals, Sun: 200 Yard Straights (Roll Calls: 9 am Sat,  8:30 am Sun)
Codrington, ON
Roberta Jamieson, Email: ORAracing@gmail.com; Tel: 613-707-3088 ~  CLICK HERE to download a PDF  EMAIL ENTRY FORM (just save and open the form in ADOBE ACROBAT, fill out the fields and send by clicking the EMAIL button at the end of the form). (this email entry forms are for RACING only).
Sat June 17
300 Yard Ovals
Roll Call: 8:30 am
Codrington, ON
Roberta Jamieson, Email: ORAracing@gmail.com; Tel: 613-707-3088 ~  CLICK HERE to download a PDF  EMAIL ENTRY FORM (just save and open the form in ADOBE ACROBAT, fill out the fields and send by clicking the EMAIL button at the end of the form). (this email entry forms are for RACING only).
Sun July 2
200 Yard Straights
Roll Call: 8:30 am
Codrington, ON
Roberta Jamieson, Email: ORAracing@gmail.com; Tel: 613-707-3088 ~  CLICK HERE to download a PDF  EMAIL ENTRY FORM (just save and open the form in ADOBE ACROBAT, fill out the fields and send by clicking the EMAIL button at the end of the form). (this email entry forms are for RACING only).
Sat & Sun Aug 5 & 6 ORA
300 Yard Ovals (Sat) & 200 Yard Straights (Sun) Roll Call: 8:30 AM both days
Codrington, ON
Roberta Jamieson, Email: ORAracing@gmail.com; Tel: 613-707-3088 ~  CLICK HERE to download a PDF  EMAIL ENTRY FORM (just save and open the form in ADOBE ACROBAT, fill out the fields and send by clicking the EMAIL button at the end of the form). (this email entry forms are for RACING only).
Sat & Sun Sep 2 & 3 ORA
300 Yard Ovals (Sat) & 200 Yard Straights (Sun) Roll Call: 8:30 AM both days
Codrington, ON
Roberta Jamieson, Email: ORAracing@gmail.com; Tel: 613-707-3088 ~  CLICK HERE to download a PDF  EMAIL ENTRY FORM (just save and open the form in ADOBE ACROBAT, fill out the fields and send by clicking the EMAIL button at the end of the form). (this email entry forms are for RACING only).